Team-GPT for 10 members/month (System)


$20.00 billed every month

Team·GPT is a powerful collaboration tool that enables ChatGPT users to collaborate on threads and prompts, get charged only for their usage, and share their best conversations with external people.

Core features:

  • Group Chats: Collaborate in real-time with ChatGPT and team members for dynamic and engaging conversations.

  • Shared Prompts Library: Access and manage a centralized repository of prompts for easy reference and collaboration.

  • Public Shared Threads: Learn from the community and share knowledge through publicly accessible conversation threads.

  • Personal/Private Conversations: Engage in secure, confidential, one-on-one interactions with ChatGPT for individual exploration and experimentation.

  • Forking Conversations: Branch conversations from a specific point in time, enabling parallel discussions and in-depth exploration of ideas.

  • Folders for Organization: Efficiently manage and retrieve threads and prompts with a structured folder system.

  • Customizable Templates: Tailor premade templates for various team roles, streamlining collaboration and enhancing productivity.

  • Role-level Access Control: Secure collaboration with defined user access levels, such as member and admin roles.

  • Multiple Organizations Support: Manage and switch between multiple organizations for seamless collaboration across different contexts.

  • Quick Search: Easily locate threads, prompts, and templates with an intuitive search feature.

By upgrading you get:

  • Access for up to 10 team members in one organization per month

  • Premium support

  • Early access to new features

  • Constantly updated shared prompts library

If you need more than 10 members let us know.
